Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Now and Then

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

What is it that I seek
Peering past, o'er my shoulder
If only I had rear eyes
My neck would get some rest

Why not stop?

About face, look forward
Vista wide
Neck relaxes

Until I strain too hard

Failures, losses
Successes, gains
Some past, others future

This moment
The only guarantee

Time in a bottle
Moments in pictures
Dreams await in visions

This moment
A time to sow


january 29, 2009

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Feel Me (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Turn off this static
that fills my mind.

Flee to the woods
this soul of mine.

Arms outstretched.
Face to the sun.

Fill my senses with wonderment!
Fill my lungs with life!
Fill my heart with freedom!

let me taste the prism hues
let me dance upon the rainbow
let me touch the sky

Fill me!
Feel me....

Let me know I am

january 2007

August 11, 2024

As I'm rereading these poems from decades past, I read about a woman in distress. And, in 2007, I'd say that was true. (There've been other years of distress too.) I felt I was battling for my mind, maybe? January 2007 was when I began to experience and see that the anti-cult movement could be just as cultish as the cult. I received a big dose of this understanding in the subsequent years. 

I also began to see that "cult" behavior is human behavior but taken to an extreme. 

A blog post from 2018: "Cult behavior is human behavior..."

Toxic (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

I feel entrapped
Wearied I am
Yet nothing I've done to be weary

Snap these invisible bonds!
Catapult self-righteous demands
to the farthest breadth.

I desire

But all I hear are these jumbling torrents
Venomous words run through my head
I cry to no avail
Emotional masochist that I am

This insanity within...
Do others know it too?

Let me run naked through the woods
Live among the wild beasts
O survival!!!
To live by instinct

I am too cush in my middle-class life
Bound by society's standards

Does it not make brute beasts of us all?

january 2007

Transition (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

I tiptoe face forward
backward in time
to take a peek,
or a full view.


I stroll
into my past.
Labor to touch

A peek?
A full view,
yet only a part
of what I lost:

May I touch you?
Gentle I will be.
What I once knew?
Will you teach me?

May I embrace you?
Will you embrace me?
May I carry you
Forward with me?


I turn, I walk
into the now.
Abandon not
this presence of innocence,
the why
the how.

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

january, 2007

Feel the fear and do it anyway.