Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 I've heard the whispers
And I've followed through

I don't want pride to get in the way
Is it you?
Spirit? Son? Father?
I will keep this close to my heart
May I remember as the days go along without any whispers

Do I still believe? 


Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Gift...

In the belly of the whale
I sit
Faint glow from a fire that does not emanate heat
It simply gives light
Enveloping this fascinating room
Like a womb
But not a womb

I sit here for comfort
I sit here to hide from the harsh elements
That have tried to consume me
Like predator for its prey
The last five weeks

I sit here for hours
Unaware that I sit there
Unconscious of Whale and I
Until a bit later as I lie down on the table
With eyes closed
As Michele practices her gift

Then I see it
The whale room
We are floating in a warm, soft nighttime
There is a faint orange hue outside the belly
Along the horizon where dark mountains rise
It appears as a silhouette through Whale's thick skin  

I love this darkness
I whisper silently
This comforts me
I feel safe in this type of darkness

Whale swims to shore
Opens her giant mouth
Extends her giant tongue
And gently drops me off onto the soft, sandy beach
Into the darkness outside of Whale
Still will campfire

Whale floats in the water
Shallow depths
But enough to keep her breathing properly
She is happy
She smiles

I smile
As I sit on the beach
Enveloped by this magical darkness

And then a swirl
Like that of the Milky Way
Like that of my thumbprints
Like that of the twisting ladders
Of my DNA

And then
Back on the beach
Lying down now
From the sheer exhaustion of simply being
In this body
Tormented by pain and stupor

I sit up
And see an elephant

Hmm...Is not the elephant the biggest beast on earth
Is not the whale the biggest swimmer in the sea
What does this mean

Elephants don't live on the beach
Or do they
But this one is here
On this beach

He is a gentle beast
With his trunk he sprays water over his head
And onto his back

But from where does this water come
For it isn't salty
It is fresh

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Shorts: May 2023, One (5/01 - 5/14)

   To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
     We are not alone...

Monday, 5/01/23

Today in 17 syllables
That's 20
Now 27

Lying on my belly
Hair-thin needles
Head, back, arms, hands
Legs, feet
And plum blossom

Keb sings
"Get down on your knees and pray"
I think I will, Keb

Monday, 5/01/23

Lying in bed
Gazing out window
Watching leaves
Clap and wave

I want to be recognized
I want others to know I've done things
I want to be seen

Does air want to be seen
What does air look like
Air moves things

Valance on window
Crytal hangs on fishing line
Air from vent
Causes both to dance

I felt very lonely today
But now I see
Air is my companion

Wednesday, 5/03/23

Writing without my lap desk
Balance Moleskine on thighs
Balance pen awkwardly
Between thumb and two fingers

Thursday, 5/04/23

When Son made an error
In a baseball game
Coach would say
"Shake it off"

This morning
Envisioning pain
In left thigh

It was an oval shape
Orange in color
Which then turned to creamsicle

Do I write 
17 syllables
Too tired to try

Headlamp shines on page
I close my eyes
Gently smile
Outside and in

Friday, 5/05/23

Recording thoughts
One syllable
At a time

To not be bound by them
To not be bound by the present-past
The last second has already passed

I think my Insiders are in some way
Related to my organ systems

Do I share about my Insiders
No, not yet
Maybe never

You have trusted healers
With whom you've shared
And they don't think you are looney

Diana, Michele, Andres, Todd
True healers
My body is the true healer

I wonder if others have Insiders
Born from making sense of the world
Of making sense in their own world

Perhaps that is one way 
That cartoonists create
Guardians 3 is out!!!

Why do I shiver
When I am not cold
Is my body shaking off toxicity
Warming me in order to receive

Close my eyes
Ask, "what do I write"
So that is what I wrote

Wrote Shorts on my phone this morning
That is so strange
That we can "write" on our phones

Is a Short a Short
If I type it on my phone
Instead of writing it in my Moleskine

Saturday, 5/06/23

Release my self from the 
Eye of scrutiny
Dive back into the 
Eye of the storm

I grok the torture
The insanity
Of sleep deprivation

It causes something
That I cannot describe 
In this moment...

It's like a fuzzy darkness
Impossible to grasp
Where the stars are not clear

Are they stars
Or are they 

Whatever they are
They vibrate, staticky
Like the signals are not getting through

I see this in my brain
Not in my torso
Is the static I feel
Like that in my limbs

Decision making
Is next to impossible
Thankful my self-care tasks
Are routine

Sunday, 5/07/23

Shorts are like 
But shorter

Shorts are just thoughts
That is all they are
Thoughts with words

Looking out 
Bedroom window
Refreshing view

Vomiting today
Weak on weak
Sick on sick

This journal has gotten 
So messy
There must be some oxen
In the stalls

Where there are messes
There is life
Be thankful for the messes

Monday, 5/08/23

How do I describe
The last 31 hours
It's felt like a month

I felt even weaker today
After I was able
To move about a bit

No wonder I can't
Totally relax
I lose function

When someone is in a coma
Someone else has to 
Move the sleeper's limbs
Otherwise, they atrophy away

Wednesday, 5/10/23

For months I've wondered
What is the point of working so hard
Just to keep my body moving

That is my full-time job
But to what end
I'm not able to serve others

Yesterday an answer came
When preparation meets opportunity
Success happens
I'm staying prepared

Hubby snores loudly
In adjacent bedroom
Where Son used to snore

Saturday, 5/13/23

The dizziness
The nausea
Please stop

Pining for life
Outside the incessant
Tasks of selfcare 

Pining for life
Beyond the incessant
Misery of symptom overload

I pant to escape this drudgery
Therein my suffering is multiplied
Desiring life to be otherwise 

Ground me

This too shall pass
By death or
By worsening or
By freedom

I wish I could convey more clearly
The severity of my symptoms
All their repurcussions


Sleep would be
A welcome

Sunday, 5/14/23

Daughter texted today
Son called
Filled with gratitude
Is my heart

How do you feel
Grateful, so grateful
Last night I was raging

I am whole
I trust
I am love
I am

Heat on back
Headlamp on forehead
Fan breezes cool me

Comfort is
Not being

I breathe in the suffering
Of all the medically injured
I breathe out
Peace, comfort, strength
To all

Friday, June 16, 2023

Gratitude for windows...

I feel the pull
I give in
Staring again at the digital screen
An online community of good, good people

Carol, stop
Do not go down this path
Not for the reasons you do


This screen seldom helps meet any of those needs

Yes, they are needs
But the online life can't meet them
Where you are

But, I'm humanly alone so often
And I seldom have energy to engage
It comes in bits and spurts
Engagement in 2D, in 3D, with other humans

Carol, what does meet those needs?

Though I'm more limited than previous years
And I deeply grieve that loss
And I cry
But Carol, think of all the memorable, magical wanderments
And, still they happen
Even with my limitations

The kinds that have paper pages
Is it the tactile experience that helps with the intimacy
Is it the depth of what is shared
Is it the feeling of not having to respond or give it a thumbs up

My own ponderings
Reminding me of lived experiences
Reminding me that I'm not unintelligent
Reminding me of how far I've come
Reminding me that I have gained some wisdom
Reminding me of Rilke and to love the questions

Recalling the days when breathing was tortuous
Fluid-filled lungs
Struggling for the next breath
Even through my totally blocked nostrils
Carol, you can smell now
You no longer struggle to breathe
And you are still alive after decades of that struggle

Going within
Connecting with my Insiders
Inhaling suffering of myself and others
Exhaling compassion and understanding

Lifting me
Moving my heart
Acknowledging that I'm not alone
Rhythm in my body and soul
Singing aloud
Making up my own words
Singing in tongues

But not necessarily to a supernatural being
Rather, of gratitude for this great big universe
Its beauty
Its wander
And connections I've had over the years
As people and animals come and go in my life
As I go and leave in others'

Okay, composing this little whatever-it-is
Now, get along to your next
Self-care task
With gratitude for all you've been blessed by and with
And for windows

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Shorts: April 2023

  To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
     We are not alone...

Tuesday, 4/04/23

Leaving Corps twice
In panic
Maybe this is similar

Is there anger
Simmering under
My non-rest

What is she shares and twists it
Like I didn't tell her upfront
But I did

Be more quiet before I share
That's not it

Choose more wisely
But I don't like the word

Felt worse after Thursday
Afraid of insomnia if I do
Afraid of more weakness if I don't

Thursday, 4/06/23

Sunday, 4/09/23

Headlamp shines on page
and I wonder, 
When will I write again, draw again?

God I pray... 
please watch over A, to bring her joy
to help her feel safe. 

And my family too.
John, Sarah, Matt
Josh, Natalie

Yerba, Archie, Ozzy
And me too... :) 

Wednesday, 4/12/23

How did I start to feel better
this afternoon?
Oh yes, Ignatia the Saint <3

Deer, insects, snakes
squirrels, crows, songbirds
raccoons, chipmunks, possums...
Our backyard family - some

I feel 
life flow through me
though it cannot be seen
with the physical eye

So many projects I start
Some are only almost-starts
But so few I finish

And that's okay
The important ones 
get done

They are all important
Aren't they
Yes, but some have to wait

Perhaps I will sleep
If not, I will rest

Sunday, 4/16/23

Will I ever journal again?
I can't even write my 17 syllables per day.
That's okay, Carol. 

I watched a spider today
Magically float from ceiling to floor
I could not see her silk elevator

Dear God ~ help me accept
Help thou my unbelief
May I have peace. 
May I be.

Reading back through my scribbles
I am reminded
"Yes, you are writing."

Why do you not share
your Shorts?
It is a yoke of bondage

Saturday, 4/22/23

Ignatia, the saint, helped again
Could it be she will help
even while on acupuncture?

Lift me, my soul
Through the portal
Into spaciousness
Into possibilities

Monday, 4/24/23

Daughter and partner
Son and wife
I hold you tenderly in my heart

May you spread goodness
Embrace beauty
And shower its bounty

Flowers today
Colors galore
Leafy plants too
And trees
It was magic

The Psalmist panted for God.
I understand that longing.
Did he find peace?

Yes, I think he did.
Jesus was a Psalmist.
May peace abound. 

Tuesday, 4/25/23

Wednesday, 4/26/23

I yawn widely
Sadly that is not evidence
That I will sleep

Quiviviq, Xanax, herbs
And now
I wait

Thursday, 4/27/23

64 today I am
Too tired to write
Received laser treatment #85 today
Happy Birthday

Saturday, 4/29/23

Carol, write your Shorts
with no audience
in mind

Steroids cause
premature aging.
I am 
living proof.

Why is an electrical
not called an electrical

That felt good
to write

Sunday, 4/30/23

I began this journal
My writing of Shorts
To not pen them in shorthand

That changed within 3 months
Shorthand takes less effort
For my painful hands

"How are you?" she asked
My answer...
"Miserable to okay
depending on the hour and the day.
Today, I'm okay." 

But that conversation was last week
Today felt like 3 days
Going from miserable to not as miserable

The highlight?
Feeling the sunshine
Warm my skin and eyelids

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Shorts: March 2023

 To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
     We are not alone...
Friday, 3/03/23

Body, I love you
Tonight you have new herbs
May each cell be happy

Saturday, 3/04/23

I can relate to Shaw
The madness
Yet still, she escaped
I can too 

Thursday, 3/09/23

Writing is difficult these days
Both physically and mentally 
So sing...

Sitting on bed
Awaiting plumber

High-pitch tone
I never recall not hearing it

What do I do next?
Wait for the plumber
Then invert, maybe

Sunday, 3/12/23

Saturday, 3/18/23

I screamed last night
Hard and loud 
Consumed by misability 

Sunday, 3/19/23

Breathe in Carol
And now, breathe out
Isn't that amazing?

Feel your fear and anxiety...
Is it a fear of response-ability?
A fear of how others perceive me?

If I double 28
that equals 56.
I do not have that many syllables
in me.

Sunday, 3/26/23

Monday, 3/27/23

God, please bring me peace
Please bring me sleep
Please bring me rest

God, please bring all people peace
Please bring all people sleep
Please bring all people rest

So sad, tragic, horrific
These shootings in schools
These deaths
Little people and the elders

Thursday, 3/30/23

So tired, so weary
Is this all life is
I rode my bike Sunday

Two men clapped
And all the trees 
Were dancing

If it is to be
I shall ride outside tomorrow
On my bike, Midnight

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Shorts: February 2023

To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
      We are not alone...

Wednesday, 2/01/23

Undulating pain
Thru my forearms
Into my wrists and palms

Woman, upright in bed
Outstretched legs
Watches the flame dance

Friday, 2/03/23

What is sex?
How does it feel?
All I know are memories and fantasies

Saturday, 2/04/23

February has four syllables
Carol has two
Valentine, three

Gabapentin has four syllables
Marijuana has four
Sleep, one

Elbows and knees, forearms and upper
Wrists and hands, back and ankles
Palms and fingers, shins and soles
They all hurt

Will I ever know
pure joy

I have drifted away
from people. It's okay Carol.
You still have a few.

Sunday, 2/05/23

Monday, 2/06/23

So sad
Longing for affection
Ahh...desire equals

Tuesday, 2/07/23

Sun shone brightly
In my sky today
Until the next bout of clouds

Less pain today
I enjoyed the reprieve
More please?

Opps! I wrote in shorthand
And I got messier

Thursday, 2/09/23

But I write my syllables

Pain in back
and arms and legs
and hands and feet
That is all

Friday, 2/10/23

Pay Discover
Pay Visa
Terminix and Novant

Hubby stands to give the Practice
I soon will lay
To receive the Practice

Saturday, 2/11/23

I wait 'til night to write
when I am too tired 
to write

I wait 'til night to write
when it's too uncomfortable to write
adjusting all my pillow props

Sunday, 2/12/23

Solitude invites
conversation with
the elements

Called AOF Friday
Did not leave voicemail
AOF immediately responded in text

And shortly thereafter, called
We spoke an hourish
I feel the gap in our connection

Wednesday, 2/15/23

Did not write my 
for two days

Drive to The Saddle
Pop the pills
Drink in the sunset
As I draw my last breath

The company of self-doubt
is not a visitor
I desire

Bask in possibilities
Flying on horses
Dancing on whalebacks

Lift me up
Take me away
Deep into imaginations

Thursday, 2/16/23

What does trust look like?
Sun. Breath. Body.
Kindness. Gentleness. Trust.

Friday, 2/17/23

I trust...

Thru pain, sadness, grief...
Thru flow, joy, wholeness...
Thru suffering...
Thru relief...
Honoring each...

I trust...

Sunday, 2/19/23

Writing my syllables
But not everyday
Living them though, everyday

Tuesday, 2/21/23

Please Lord, may I sleep tonight

May my heart be turned
toward gratitude
Even while uncertainty roars

Sunday, 2/26/23

Rereading my previous words
Syllables, shorts
Briefs, like underwear

Ruminating, ruminating
May I be free from these
Revolving thoughts

Please, Dear God
I pray again for freedom
From this unforgiving pain
And weakness and fatigue

I feel too sloppy to write
Sloppy in my brain
Sloppy in my hands
Sloppy in my posture

Monday, 2/27/23

Son and Daughter-in-law
Above the clouds
In route to 
Little Down Under

Saturday, April 29, 2023

In Synch

Visited the Yadkin River yesterday
Her waters were high
Rapid and muddy

I witnessed nature-flotsam
Trees, logs, branches, debris
Being swished along by unseen currents

One giant tree
Got caught sideways 
Under the bridge

Rapids rolled her round-and-round
As if a lumberjack was atop
Spinning her

Another giant got caught
With the giant roller

Moments later WHOOSH
Both set free! 
To continue their journey
Down the river

This same day one year ago
My veins would soon feed on heparin
Two "good-sized" blood clots had landed
One in each lung

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Shorts: Introduction & Index

Due to additional ongoing health adversities since May 2022, journaling/writing, drawing/coloring slowly took a "back seat" in my life; not to mention an abundance of other activities. As far as personal writing, I have mainly charted symptoms and different modalities I experiment with to find what helps my symptoms and what doesn't; an arduous task. 

Beginning January 2023, I began journaling what I came to call "Shorts." The idea came from this article, Opinion: How 17 syllables a day can change your life by Tess Taylor. In the second paragraph Tess states: 

...I wanted to share a practice that’s been useful to me, as a writer: To write a haiku, or a loose haiku, every day. For me this habit began in a dark phase, when I realized I just wasn’t getting much creative time. I was feeling depleted....

Well, that pretty closely described me, and still does: depleted, dark phase, lack of creative energy [time].  So, I gave the "loose haiku" a whirl. I started out with 15 to 19 syllables which then evolved into anywhere between 10ish to 29ish syllables. The loose haiku got really loose. 

In the past month or so, I started calling them "Shorts." I could call them "Briefs," but they cover more than "Briefs." [I guess then, "Nudes" would look like this:               . (haha)]

My "Shorts" have become a type of simple journaling for me. But I can't write them every day. 

Last night I read many of them to Hubby. He said something like, "Wow. The suffering really comes through. But I witness the suffering every day, so to me they are very poignant. A lot of those are publish-worthy." 

I responded, "Does hope come through too? Glimpses of joy?"  He responded in the affirmative. 

So, I'm gonna publish some/most/all. Many (most?) are not cheerful. All are simple; one can't get too analytical in 10 to 29 syllables. Some come from inner visualizations, of which I have a-plenty. If I knew how and had the energy and inclination, I could maybe put together some decent and colorful animations from my visualizations. 

My plan is to post them in the order I wrote them and entitle them accordingly, ie: Shorts: January 2023 and continue chronologically. Time will tell if I stick with the plan. :)   

I write the shorts one at a time. But sometimes, they turn into multiverse poems. 

For now, I am posting some (but not all) of these "poems from shorts" separately, with a link to each within the stream of shorts for the month they were written. (Hmmm...that sentence needs some work, but hopefully it's understandable?) It's like some call to be given their separate space, and others don't.

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
      We are not alone...
Links to Shorts:

Poems from Shorts:

Shorts: January 2023

To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
      We are not alone...

Sunday, 1/01/23

Tears here, cheeks damp
Suffering, relief, resonance
I am not alone

trees reach out with naked limbs
speaking to the sky
and to whomever will listen

insane insomnia
innate intelligence, my body
she knows how to heal

Monday, 1/02/23

I took his last name
So glad that I did
Husband, provider, hero

Contemplating: Do I swallow
Something to help with 
Sleep? Yes or No?

I feel the nothingness
So feel it fully
Where else does nothing exists

Tuesday, 1/03/23

I just thought of a 
haiku, something about
sleep, and now I forget

Wednesday, 1/04/23

Breathe in, breathe out, let go
Headlamp provides light
So that I can write
No shorthand

Carol have great compassion
for youself
and for Andres

Thursday, 1/05/23

Fabio, beauty and grit
Horses sleep standing up
Sleep will come, be at peace

Friday, 1/06/23

And then I tell myself
Carol, you have nerve damage
And chronic insomnia

And a prednisone 'addiction'
which you are 
coming off of

Not to mention pulmonary embolisms 
last year
and anxiety and depression

Headlamp shines on page
Lines straight and loopy, neat and messy
Breathe now -- in, out

Sunday, 1/08/23

Tonight I will sleep restfully
Yea, I will lie down
My sleep shall be sweet

Tuesday, 1/10/23

I want to write haiku
but too tired from my work of
bathing and moving my body

That's 21 syllables
But I wrote  

Wednesday, 1/11/23

What do I do next?
Carol, bask in all your body
has accomplished, thus far.

Bask in its continued ability
to the best of its capacity
to heal itself

Thursday, 1/12/23

I ventured to
the post office today
It was a surreal experience

I love you Body
You have serviced me so well
And will contine
Until its time to stop

How many times have I
told my story to these walls?
One thousand? Ten thousand?

Friday, 1/13/23

Thirty-five years ago tonight
I was in the hospital
The next day, I birthed new life

Saturday, 1/14/23

The sun came out today
And the cold wind blew
And they kissed my face

Monday, 1/16/23

Wearied Body, Pain Shoots
Scrambled Brain, Thoughts Gobbly-gook
All in a day's work

Tuesday, 1/17/23

People pass before my eyes
And other creatures too
To each, I send love

Gratitude brushes my cheeks
As the other
Smiles back at me too

Wednesday, 1/28/23

I love the days
when I'm in the flow
All that is needed
I will know

Empty coffee pot
Sits on table
Awaiting liquid

Friday, 1/20/23

Sunday, 1/22/23

What of today?
It came. It went.
Tomorrow will do the same.

I pray to God
Please bring me healing, relief
Teach me how, Oh Lord

The name has the same magic to me as

Monday, 1/23/23

Pill bottles so many
100s & 100s, 1000s & 1000s
Of pills

Comfy bed
Supportive pillows
Sweet Unicorn
What else is needed?

Tuesday, 1/24/23

I know not what to write
So I draw letters on the page

Wednesday, 1/25/23

Imagine a day
Free of pain
And don't stop imagining

Thru the water within the ocean
And the moon plays too

Thursday, 1/26/23

My reflection in the picture
on the wall
sunset, quiet seas

Sunday, 1/29/23

Carol, scrolling your phone
will not  help you 
feel connected.
So, back away. 

I can't keep up
With all the tasks I think
I need to do
So stop

Yes stop
The cream rises to the top
And that is the most needful

O dear Body
I love every cell of You
Thru and thru
Rest, rest

Monday, 1/30/23

How did life become 
so complicated?
Possessions. Possessions. Possessions. 

I cannot control the future
I cannot change the past
I can breathe
In, out

I can no longer breathe
Since emerging
from the womb

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Recall the lilies and the ponies...

This anxiety
A feeling I will not have energy
To accomplish the tasks
Which I perceive as needful

Let go, let be
Recall the lilies of the field
And the ponies of the mountain

God, I'm sorry 
I was psychotic 

I breathe in the suffering
of all
in like condition

I breathe out lovingkindness
to all
who suffer

If it be Your will
May I sleep tonight
May I surrender

May I somehow
turn this suffering
into gold

Along RR Grade Road, 2020

Pony and Foal, Grayson Highlands, 2017

Thursday, April 6, 2023


Instead of rehearsing Her words
think of goodness, of light
of all I have to be thankful for

Such as rain, sun, trees
John, Sarah, Josh
My Parents, Kate

Todd, Michele, Clark, Julie
Dorothy, Larry
April, Susan, Denise, Norm

Jeff, Abby, Herb
Tom2, Katelin, Robyn
Ted, Becky, Loved Ones

The locksmith
who was 
an angel

Don't let one person's judgement
steal my joy
and negate the serendipities in my life
all that goodness 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Yellow Court

Today from my Yellow Court
A smokey cloud emerged
Though it wasn't smoke

It was dark-gray
Pain, decades old
Held by a cord

Golden scissors 
Cut the cord

And the cloud ascended
A deep golden-yellow
Shone upon it

"I don't want to be forgotten
I don't want to be abandoned"
Said the trembling dark-gray cloud

"We aren't abandoning you"
Replied the golden-glow
"We are setting you free"

Light of golden-yellow
Warm like the sun
Gently penetrated
And shone inside the cloud

The light soothed the cloud
For the cloud had been hiding
A long time in darkness

And now the cloud was free!
The darkness turned to light!

Gentle rain fell from the cloud
Drops like tears
Tears of acceptance, of transformation

The Insiders danced for joy!
Pog and It and I witnessed
We smiled and felt 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Rolling and dancing...

Tears of joy today
I rode my bike outside
12.14 miles

A passer-by greeted me,
"How are you today?"
"Good, good," I replied
As I slowly pedaled by

In the next moment 
My giant smile turned to shock
I said "Good" (!!!)

"Good" had just happily rolled out
It was real
It was spontaneous
And it felt...good

Two men clapped for me
All the trees were dancing
Tree and I hugged after my ride
While I danced to Michael Franti

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Is this acceptance?

This morning I thought
This morning I felt
The disease has won

Then I felt
I need to make my self
my body, my mind comfortable

I did not think it; I felt it
And later I figured out
Behind what I felt

That is
I cannot keep up this pace
I can't keep going on like this

Is this acceptance?
I thought I had already

Acceptance must come 
in layers
Like grief, like onions

I'm not giving up
But I am going to make myself
as comfortable as possible

Even if that means more steroids
But I'm not going back
all the way

Because I will end up back here
I think I know what it feels like
To be an addict, of sorts

Monday, February 27, 2023

Longing for ocean...

Sound of ocean waves
Transmits through my little speaker
In its little box

Will I ever again
Feel the ocean with my toes
With my feet, my ankles
Shins and calves?

You will again feel
the lapping
and its wind upon you face

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Weather is uncertain
But it is reliable
Reliable to change
It does follow patterns

Yet, I do not live in fear
Of the weather
But I am, to the best of my ability
Prepared for the elements

Weather is energy on display
What happens in the macro
Happens in the micro

How far does that analogy go?
How deep is its reality?
Am I prepared for the storm inside me?


My responses...
Too many to write...
Here's a few...

Tenseness all through my limbs

"Am I prepared?"

Doctor faces flash through my head.
Prednisone tablets. Steroid injections. 
Gabapentin. Hydrocodone. Xanax.
My backups. 

I am prepared as I can be."

I realize I'm tense.
I consciously relax.
I recognize that even when one is prepared
for severe weather, the weather can still bring
calamity and death.

Meditations. Herbs. Lights.
Sunshine. Nature. Now.
Food. Shelter. Mobility.
Good mechanic. Music.
Family who understands. 
Husband who lovingly cares for me 
and excellently provides. 

I am prepared as I can be."

Heart calms.
Yet I'm still on guard. 

May I release the guard
Like the wild guard dog
Let go 
Lie down
The threat, or perceived threat, is gone
Let go
Lay it down
Be free

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Longing for peace...

To have a body fluid
To have a soul flow
Yet, only in my imagination

What have I to offer?
Thought. Prayer. Fantasy.
Wishing for all suffering everywhere
To cease

Dear Peace
May I fill your presence
Or should I say "Dear God"
I used to

Dear God, Father, Dad
Hold me
Heal me
Why do you not heal me?

But please, please
Hold my heart
Bring me comfort
And peace, peace...

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Longing for freedom...

Yes pain, yes inflammation
I feel you undulate 
Thru my limbs

I do not deny you are 
With me
But I ask of you
To free me please

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Longing for sleep...

The earth rotates
The sun spins
The universe whirls

Full moon illuminates
Guides the tide in and out
Calls us into dreams

My heart beckons the call
As I drift into another plane
Until I drift back out

Friday, February 3, 2023

Longing for "normal"...

I used to journal a lot
And write
Painting pictures with words

Now I mostly write
to record medical observations
Medical observations?

Symptoms, patterns 
Responses to a treatment applied
My life is an experiment

Monday, January 30, 2023

A joy unspeakable...

While we and our loved ones still draw breath, may we remember to let them know how cherished they are.

From a 31-year-old son to his 63-year-old mom...
A text message on May 6, 2022, from Dillingham, AK, to Somewhere, NC...
Shared with permission...



I don’t have any profound words of wisdom or divine revelations. I just know that as your loving son I am compelled to share my love and support with you, Mother.

I’m not sure you realize the joy and passion for life that you have imparted to me. Two nights ago, I drank entirely too much vodka with my friends and stumbled home through the rain to my office. I proceeded to turn on my Bluetooth speaker as loudly as possible and dance my heart out for the better part of an hour. Looking back on that moment, I realize that was your spirit pumping through my veins and expressing itself through my pair of left feet.

It is your spirit that propelled me to the Himalayas, the arctic, and to the far reaches of and into civilization.

It’s your spirit that leads me through the rigors of the intellectual exercises that lend me the peace of knowing what I know, and knowing what I don’t know.

It is your spirit that leads me to tears at the witnessing of the simplest beauties in life and in word.

I know you have suffered far beyond what one ought in this life. That fact breaks my heart. But know that your life and spirit has led to manifold joys whose impacts are still becoming known. Your love and your zest for life will carry on far beyond the length of your life or mine. And only God knows how wide the impact will be.

Know that your joy, your sadness, your triumphs, and your failures have meaning. Not only now, but throughout time. You are loved. You are known. You are my mother. From ear candles to hikes, to uncomfortable political discussions. You are my one and only Mother.

May God bless you.

With all the love a son can muster,



Son and I had spoken via phone, late afternoon, May 5th.
He asked how I was doing.
(I had been released from the hospital on May 1st after an unexpected 3-night stay for two good-sized blood clots, one in each lung.)
I responded "I'm doing okay. But I think I'm going to cry."
He responded, "It's alright Mom and completely understandable."

The next morning, I awoke to the text message shared above...
Tears rolled...
Feelings of gratitude, humility, that I'd done something right in my life, joy, and so much more....

Friday, January 20, 2023

flickers and fans

candle flame gently flickers
reflects itself in mirror
two flames dance

fan blades rhythmically spin
casting shadows
on the ceiling

flickers and fans
gently calling me
into dream