Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Shorts: Introduction & Index

Due to additional ongoing health adversities since May 2022, journaling/writing, drawing/coloring slowly took a "back seat" in my life; not to mention an abundance of other activities. As far as personal writing, I have mainly charted symptoms and different modalities I experiment with to find what helps my symptoms and what doesn't; an arduous task. 

Beginning January 2023, I began journaling what I came to call "Shorts." The idea came from this article, Opinion: How 17 syllables a day can change your life by Tess Taylor. In the second paragraph Tess states: 

...I wanted to share a practice that’s been useful to me, as a writer: To write a haiku, or a loose haiku, every day. For me this habit began in a dark phase, when I realized I just wasn’t getting much creative time. I was feeling depleted....

Well, that pretty closely described me, and still does: depleted, dark phase, lack of creative energy [time].  So, I gave the "loose haiku" a whirl. I started out with 15 to 19 syllables which then evolved into anywhere between 10ish to 29ish syllables. The loose haiku got really loose. 

In the past month or so, I started calling them "Shorts." I could call them "Briefs," but they cover more than "Briefs." [I guess then, "Nudes" would look like this:               . (haha)]

My "Shorts" have become a type of simple journaling for me. But I can't write them every day. 

Last night I read many of them to Hubby. He said something like, "Wow. The suffering really comes through. But I witness the suffering every day, so to me they are very poignant. A lot of those are publish-worthy." 

I responded, "Does hope come through too? Glimpses of joy?"  He responded in the affirmative. 

So, I'm gonna publish some/most/all. Many (most?) are not cheerful. All are simple; one can't get too analytical in 10 to 29 syllables. Some come from inner visualizations, of which I have a-plenty. If I knew how and had the energy and inclination, I could maybe put together some decent and colorful animations from my visualizations. 

My plan is to post them in the order I wrote them and entitle them accordingly, ie: Shorts: January 2023 and continue chronologically. Time will tell if I stick with the plan. :)   

I write the shorts one at a time. But sometimes, they turn into multiverse poems. 

For now, I am posting some (but not all) of these "poems from shorts" separately, with a link to each within the stream of shorts for the month they were written. (Hmmm...that sentence needs some work, but hopefully it's understandable?) It's like some call to be given their separate space, and others don't.

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
      We are not alone...
Links to Shorts:

Poems from Shorts: