Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Shorts: March 2023

 To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
     We are not alone...
Friday, 3/03/23

Body, I love you
Tonight you have new herbs
May each cell be happy

Saturday, 3/04/23

I can relate to Shaw
The madness
Yet still, she escaped
I can too 

Thursday, 3/09/23

Writing is difficult these days
Both physically and mentally 
So sing...

Sitting on bed
Awaiting plumber

High-pitch tone
I never recall not hearing it

What do I do next?
Wait for the plumber
Then invert, maybe

Sunday, 3/12/23

Saturday, 3/18/23

I screamed last night
Hard and loud 
Consumed by misability 

Sunday, 3/19/23

Breathe in Carol
And now, breathe out
Isn't that amazing?

Feel your fear and anxiety...
Is it a fear of response-ability?
A fear of how others perceive me?

If I double 28
that equals 56.
I do not have that many syllables
in me.

Sunday, 3/26/23

Monday, 3/27/23

God, please bring me peace
Please bring me sleep
Please bring me rest

God, please bring all people peace
Please bring all people sleep
Please bring all people rest

So sad, tragic, horrific
These shootings in schools
These deaths
Little people and the elders

Thursday, 3/30/23

So tired, so weary
Is this all life is
I rode my bike Sunday

Two men clapped
And all the trees 
Were dancing

If it is to be
I shall ride outside tomorrow
On my bike, Midnight