Friday, July 20, 2018

More than

Been pretty depressed this week
More than my typical amount
Yes, my ongoing health struggles are a big part of the cause

It's just so everyday
And discouraging
And can get quite lonely

Yet, I have so much compared to most of the world
I am not bedridden
Just limited in
Mobility and sociality and cognitivity

My main support is Hubby
And Olivia, my bike
Even though she's inanimate

I'm thankful I can still pet sit
That too is more limited than it once was
I feel love from my animal friends

I hope the next life is
Run by animals
Who are
More humane than humans

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Reflecting in the wee morning hours...

6/30/2016, 4:20 AM

I feel alive when I'm
in the mountains
in the woods

along a trail

I don't feel alone
I feel connection
I feel awe
I feel reverence

What a privilege it is
to feel

What a privilege and pleasure
to feel

Now, I'm tired