Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Yellow Court

Today from my Yellow Court
A smokey cloud emerged
Though it wasn't smoke

It was dark-gray
Pain, decades old
Held by a cord

Golden scissors 
Cut the cord

And the cloud ascended
A deep golden-yellow
Shone upon it

"I don't want to be forgotten
I don't want to be abandoned"
Said the trembling dark-gray cloud

"We aren't abandoning you"
Replied the golden-glow
"We are setting you free"

Light of golden-yellow
Warm like the sun
Gently penetrated
And shone inside the cloud

The light soothed the cloud
For the cloud had been hiding
A long time in darkness

And now the cloud was free!
The darkness turned to light!

Gentle rain fell from the cloud
Drops like tears
Tears of acceptance, of transformation

The Insiders danced for joy!
Pog and It and I witnessed
We smiled and felt