Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Scribblage from my journal: round 27, weeks 2 & 3


Whether or not you approve of me
is not irrelative.
Or is it irrelevant?
I like to be liked.
Just like any other mammal.

Are all mammals group species?
What about sloths?

Do I have an expertise?
Not one that I can authoritatively share.

I really hate the current cultural-political
I have never liked election years.
Since Trump's election, it's been
a never-ending election year--
of campaigning.

Th, 10/17/19
Week 2. Round 27.



Deep dark trunk and limbs.
Black. Rugged. Strong.
Rough skin. Bumps. Tiny ledges.
Over which ants crawl
Raccoon and bear climb
Inchworms, beetles, and caterpillars
Nests of birds and squirrels

Golden crown rustles in autumn.
Music, not of windchimes
But rather, wildness
Echoing 'cross the valleys and peaks

And then, your shimmering golden hands--
upon your tiny wrists
that rests on branches
that rests on limbs
attached to your dark trunk--

Your golden hands
Like giant snowflakes
To rot and feed the soil

Then you are naked against the elements.
And your song
For a season
Is a howl

Su, 10/27/19.
Week 3. Round 27.

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