Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dark AM

Journal Entry (adapted), 9/08/20, 12:40 AM

God, Universe, Whatever...
Please hear my request
That I can help myself
That I can think clearer
Set some goals and achieve them
Acknowledge what I accomplish
And let my self know how well she does
That she is a caring person
That she does give her all
To the best of her ability in any given moment

On Sunday
She cleaned up the public bathroom at Mt. Mitchell
She picked up trash two different times on two different trails
She only bought one thing: a bag of Cheez-its
She took her own food and cups and water bottles
She thinks of the person that will come after her every day
Who is coming to this place next and to help that place be a blessing
Not only in the immediate, but also for future generations

So, go easy on her
In spite of the good things she does and thinks
She is hard on her self
So, go easy on her

Sunday, she spoke up to the drone-guy at Mt. Mitchell
But then got on herself for not doing it well enough
Instead, think of the fact that she spoke up
And that, if something like that comes up again, how she can do it better

The internet doesn't do it for you anymore Carol
As far as giving you something to let you know you matter
But nature often does
Or happenstance, when you don't go a-clamoring for the attention
Or being something or someone you're not
Or trying to impress but not realizing it until after the fact
Notice those flash thoughts and feelings
And wait before acting on them
Look to John for support
And to the kids
And to a couple friends, selectively

It's now 1:01 AM
I think I'll drink some tea
And turn on the TV

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