Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Don't throw out the prophet...

Where will I go next in my journey
Aye, I am already here
In the next
Which is the now


My mind's eye recalls August 3, 2010
I stand in the darkness of night
In the forest
In a circular space
Where various paths converge
Just north of the Roan Highlands
On the Appalachian Trail
Which had just disappeared 
In the dark, in the hub
I search for the trail blaze 
Upon a tree trunk

(Wow, 8/03/10...
The day after JK's words...
Plunged my heart like a dagger...
And I began to shrink...
Eleven-plus years ago...

I've wondered the last few days
Am I picking up where I dropped off 
I am broadening again 
Deepening, growing
Instead of shrinking
Instead of occupying inertia 
Maintaining survival mode
But have I not been growing 
All along
Yet I also shrank
And in the shrinking I grew
Life is filled with paradox)

Now in this August of 2021
I again find my self in a hub
With various paths from which to choose
Not in a forest, but in my soul

Carol, don't throw out the prophet
Don't reject based on your projection
But don't abandon the lessons you've lived and learned

Be as aware as capable in any given circumstance 
Especially be aware of your responses
There's more to live, more to learn
Stay open. humble, patient, grateful

Listen. Listen. Listen...
Re-member. Re-member. Re-member.... 
Be. Be. Be....

Take the next step...
And the next...
And the next...
Which will then... 
Become the now...

Is that not 
In some sense

Right after posting this piece, Don't throw out the prophet, I visited my poetry vault at Poetry Pages. Curious about what I'd written way back when, I clicked on a poem. And...here is what I read: Of Paths and Surrender, written in 2006. 
Oh my.... 
Quite the serendipity after writing my prose above...
I searched Parchment Anthology and couldn't find that old poem. So I posted it here.

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