You served me well
You grew with me
Together we ran, we jumped, we danced
We made love
Every moment you were with me
Your pain then spoke
Sometimes I'd listen
Other times I'd push through
Cursing you beneath my breath
You heard every utterance
I'm sorry for my bitter words
Still, you continued to serve
The best you could
Still, you made your pain known
Now you are forever gone
In a matter of half-hours
Incision, folds, cuts, disengagement
It was time, you see
You lived with unforgiving pain
So did I
I think you'd be pleased
With your surrogate
Your peers and I have accepted it
Welcomed it, though it can never be you
It doesn't pulse with the life you had
Yet, it is becoming one with us
And we believe it will serve well
Valiantly, and hopefully
For our length of days
I honor you
I will not forget you
Thank you for your decades
Of life and service
I wonder....
Is there a hip heaven?
August 20, 2008
On August 6, 2008, I received a new hip (acetabular) via total hip replacement surgery. The new joint and auxilaries are a combo of titanium and other materials of which I cannot recall at the moment. My new member doesn't squeak. I've heard that some hips from previous construction days do. I can't imagine having a replacement part that squeaks. eek!
I'm young for hip replacement surgery. Most likely, the osteoarthritis was brought on by high doses of steroids that I had to ingest for years and years in order to keep me breathing; I had suffered with serious adult-onset asthma. Steroids have a tendency to mess up the bones. However, most of me bones are in good shape considering the circumstances. Nutrition and exercise played vital roles in keeping them healthy amidst the steroid invasion.
When I initially went for my consultation with the surgeon he was going over my x-rays with me and stated, "You have really small bones." As we ended the review, he pondered the gray and black and white medical photograph. After a moment he stated (again), "Gosh, you have small bones." At that point I asked, "Is that a problem?"
There were a few complications. The recuperating process was rough and long. It took over one year for me to be fully functional. I need to get back to exercising now! The complications are mostly smoothed now. And my hip glides well these days. It's fun to engage some positions I'd not been afforded for years.
Yay for titanium and Dr. David Howe and Forsyth Medical Center. They done real good!