Monday, March 22, 2021

Lilies of the field

 Almost immediately after I wrote the words:

...But is there any such thing as irretrievable? 
Are the disappearers... 
~ those emotions, thoughts, revelations 
buried or drowned into oblivion ~
are they stored in an internal, mercurial, ethereal, other-conscious world,
seeded to emerge in some other form?

What is that form?
In what fashion does it manifest?
Dis-ease of the mind and body?
Dis-ease of the soul, even soul-suicide?...

(Though those aren't the exact words I originally wrote.
They emerged from a splatter of words on the screen.
I no longer have the original splatter.
I formed it into another shape,
Hopefully without losing the essence of the splatter,
So, actually, it is the original splatter, rearranged.)

After I wrote those words
My almost immediate thought was:

What about the joys?
Are not those stored too?
If traumas are stored, 
why not joys? 

Would not they also manifest?
In what form?
Could they manifest as 
life-ease, rather than dis-ease?

I sometimes say, after moments in the flow,
"Another good memory in the bank."

Perhaps as we accrue these deposits
They too will be excavated 
from the deep earth
to a more shallow level
where they can grow
like flowers from seeds
reaching up through the soil 
toward the light,
like sunflowers
or the lilies of the field. 

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