Sunday, August 11, 2024

Transition (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

I tiptoe face forward
backward in time
to take a peek,
or a full view.


I stroll
into my past.
Labor to touch

A peek?
A full view,
yet only a part
of what I lost:

May I touch you?
Gentle I will be.
What I once knew?
Will you teach me?

May I embrace you?
Will you embrace me?
May I carry you
Forward with me?


I turn, I walk
into the now.
Abandon not
this presence of innocence,
the why
the how.

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

january, 2007

Feel the fear and do it anyway.