Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Dwelling Place (1987)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...
So, reader beware...

 Our Dwelling Place

Simply think of all God's goodness
All He has bestowed on you and me
To be alive in this day and time
To be a vital part of His great family.

A family so diversified
Yet in Him united as one
We cannot lose as we stand fast
In the love of Christ His son.

As I look at you, as I look at me,
I need only look upon that which God sees.
Sure, I may miss the mark and so may you
But we have a choice of where to dwell.

We can dwell on the times the mark has been missed
We can dwell with our thoughts only inward
Or we can dwell on our seated position in Christ
With our thoughts focused on God's Word.

God has fully equipped us
To be to the praise of His glory
He has bestowed us with eternal life
With a home no earthly carpenter can build.

As we think of all God's goodness
There is no room to dwell
On the times the mark has been missed
Or the times we thought we failed.

july, 1987
Another poem from a time when I was a true Way believer...
Followers had left in mass in latter 1986 (I think it was). There was division among the ranks.
I wrote this poem while at a Way Family Camp in Gunnison, CO. 
It was read from the pulpit by Vince Finnegan, I think. Hubby and I are pretty sure it was Vince. If not, it was somebody else. :D 