Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fumbling words... (2017)

I feel I offended you
I struggle with this often --
this feeling that I offend others
I want you to know that I care
But in trying to relay that
without directly telling you
I fumble and my words come
out too bluntly
Often, I cannot retrieve from
my brain the proper words
I'd probably be better off to
say nothing



I regularly revisit posts I've written in the past, prompted by viewing my stats and discovering the posts which visitors to my blog have read. That said, the visitors may be bots or something other than human eyes. 

In December 2024, I ran across this poem (that I'd penned in 2017) while viewing one of those posts on my tossandripple blog. 

I do not recall whom it was that I felt I had offended.  
But the poem is still relevant today.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dark Days in December

Tears of grief
I wail
I spit upon broken promises, past and future

Worn out from the game
Enraged at it all
But more so at myself

Day after day after day
Month after month after month
No end in sight

So, I quit
No more will I apply the band aids
No more will I try "the next thing"

I awake the following day
A shield encases my heart
Now into its death

I later rouse my body 
To clothe itself, layer upon layer
Laborious labor to keep warm in the elements

I must gas up Sir Edward 
For my appointment tomorrow
Maybe the outing will help me

As I drive the back route out of Rolling Hills
I witness, right next to the street in a yard
Eight sacred black vultures
And a dead raccoon 

Once again, nature speaks to me
These sacred winged creatures have come 
To feed upon the carrion
Within my broken, deadened heart

For a moment
I feel seen
No longer 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Lost and found... (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...


in a kaleidoscope of
wandering through
ever changing
foggy night
in the crossroads
no white line
my pen
scribbling doodles
searching for words
to describe nothingness
my cane
abandoned to some corner
holding up two walls


And found...

my heart
in a kaleidoscope
of memories
once bound
in crystal tears
unfilled void
gaping for sustenance
abandoned to
the inkwell
the cookie jar
once filled with sweets
now emptied
left with only crumbs


Monday, October 28, 2024


 How are you, my Love?

Tired, so very tired
To think creatively, I desire
It once was easier
Or was it?

What have you seen recently?

Red -- Rose blossoming from Fertility
Orange -- comforting Hue gently sits on the southern dark Horizon where Beach meets Ocean; Elephant and Tiger accompany me upon the Sand while Whale swims along in shallow Waters
Yellow -- bright Sunrise springing from Darkness while my star-friend Martin sits with Pog in the Yellow Court
Green -- four-leaf Clover arising from Sunrise reaches upward into Sky
Blue -- wide-open Vistas inviting Creatures out to play
Indigo -- small, feathery Plumes display their beauty upon thorny Pods
White -- Clouds shifting shapes while dancing across the Heavens

How do you feel now, my Love?

A little more at peace
Even in my fatigued state
These images remind me that
I am connected 


These images arose as I delved into a guided-meditation course using Solfeggio frequencies and colors, each as they relate to their corresponding chakra. (In this course, the crown chakra is represented with the color white.)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Now and Then (2009)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

What is it that I seek
Peering past, o'er my shoulder
If only I had rear eyes
My neck would get some rest

Why not stop?

About face, look forward
Vista wide
Neck relaxes

Until I strain too hard

Failures, losses
Successes, gains
Some past, others future

This moment
The only guarantee

Time in a bottle
Moments in pictures
Dreams await in visions

This moment
A time to sow


january 29, 2009

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Feel Me (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Turn off this static
that fills my mind.

Flee to the woods
this soul of mine.

Arms outstretched.
Face to the sun.

Fill my senses with wonderment!
Fill my lungs with life!
Fill my heart with freedom!

let me taste the prism hues
let me dance upon the rainbow
let me touch the sky

Fill me!
Feel me....

Let me know I am

january 2007

August 11, 2024

As I'm rereading these poems from decades past, I read about a woman in distress. And, in 2007, I'd say that was true. (There've been other years of distress too.) I felt I was battling for my mind, maybe? January 2007 was when I began to experience and see that the anti-cult movement could be just as cultish as the cult. I received a big dose of this understanding in the subsequent years. 

I also began to see that "cult" behavior is human behavior but taken to an extreme. 

A blog post from 2018: "Cult behavior is human behavior..."

Toxic (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

I feel entrapped
Wearied I am
Yet nothing I've done to be weary

Snap these invisible bonds!
Catapult self-righteous demands
to the farthest breadth.

I desire

But all I hear are these jumbling torrents
Venomous words run through my head
I cry to no avail
Emotional masochist that I am

This insanity within...
Do others know it too?

Let me run naked through the woods
Live among the wild beasts
O survival!!!
To live by instinct

I am too cush in my middle-class life
Bound by society's standards

Does it not make brute beasts of us all?

january 2007

Transition (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

I tiptoe face forward
backward in time
to take a peek,
or a full view.


I stroll
into my past.
Labor to touch

A peek?
A full view,
yet only a part
of what I lost:

May I touch you?
Gentle I will be.
What I once knew?
Will you teach me?

May I embrace you?
Will you embrace me?
May I carry you
Forward with me?


I turn, I walk
into the now.
Abandon not
this presence of innocence,
the why
the how.

Dare I enter?
Do I dare?

january, 2007

Feel the fear and do it anyway.


Senses (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...

Mesmerizing sunset
Prism hues paint the sky
yellows, pinks, purples
Yet without sight
No mesmerizing.

Entrancing song
Melodious tunes fill the air
flutes, strings, rhythm beats
Yet without hearing
No entrancement.

Inviting jasmine
Fragrance impregnates the meadow
sensual, rustic, calming
Yet without smell
No invitation.

Enticing chocolate
Sweet morsels enliven the tongue
rich, amorous, satisfying
Yet without taste
No enticement.

Alluring physique
Tender touch electrifies fingertips
firm, supple, warm
Yet without touch
No allurement.

Enlightening spirit
Quickening every cell
life, death, resurrection
Yet without faith
No enlightenment.

january, 2007


Inspired by Watchman Nee

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Reverie (2007)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
Adding some of them to my online anthology...


Why are you hiding friend?
Why do you not respond?
Why do we humans hide?

Why not open ourselves
while we draw breath
to listen beyond and beneath words
to hear our hearts beat
to share the rhythm of our souls?

I yearn for a day
when we love one another
in spite of disagreements
in spite of misconceptions.

When with open face and open hearts
we can stand in one another's presence
unguarded, naked
without reservation.

When we see with enlightened hearts
what it is that lies deep within
compelling each of us to act as we do.

....Yes, I am a dreamer....

Hopefully the dreams have substance
and one day perhaps
we will be connected with a resonance
that extends beyond words
a magic that too often exists
only in our dreams.

I pray I never lose that dream
never quit believing
in the heart of another
my sister, my brother
wherein perhaps is planted
an eternity divine.

january, 2007

Friday, July 12, 2024

In Loving Memory: 1922- 1996 (1996)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...
So, reader beware...

 In Loving Memory: 1922- 1996

He was patient and kind, a man of his own
who loved life to the fullest regardless 
of what life sometimes dealt to him.

He loved the outdoors:
a hunter, a skier, a sailor, a golfer.
He enjoyed people
sharing his life the best he knew.
His will to live was strong.

Despite overwhelming odds, he continued to strive to be his best.
We will miss him:
his smile, his laugh, his positive outlook on life, his quit wit.

Yet we well remember the joy he brought,
his example of patience and gratitude.
We will ever be thankful for the inspiration
he gave to continue to live life to the fullest;
to never give up.

february, 1996

The poem above is about my father. 
He was in a head-on auto collision in July 1983; it rendered him a quadriplegic until his death in February 1996. 
I've written quite a few pieces about that part of his life, of our lives as a family.
Here's a poem about when I 1st laid eyes upon Dad after his wreck: Head-on Collision.
This link is to links of some memoir-type pieces I've written about that time: When Limbs Go Quiet.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Unnamed: In honor of Alex (2006)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...

Unnamed: In honor of Alex 

I know you cannot hear me
for your heartbeat stopped long ago.
I chose to stop your heartbeat,
I chose to stop your growth.
I never allowed you
to know the breezes of the fields
to see the beauty of the sun or snow.
In my ignorance I chose these things.
Were they right or wrong?
Honestly, I do not know.

Yet my pain runs deep today.
~my heart, it hurts~
~my tears, pour forth~
~this grief, it is for you~
In it I honor the life you once were,
the individual you may have been.

I can see you in my heart's eye:
an infant with dark hair,
deep brown eyes,
soft, smooth olive skin.
And if you were here now my love
I would hold you at my heart,
I would stroke your raven locks,
I would gently kiss your forehead,
I would cradle you at my breast,
I would nourish you, love you,
your essence I'd caress.

Oh, God!
Please honor the grief I feel!

Thank you for forgiveness,
thank you that wounds do heal.
Thank you for life you have blessed me with,
in spite of my erring ways.
Thank you as I offer this grief
as a sacrifice of praise.

And now I set within this sacred place
amidst nature's beauty, freedom, grace
among the rocks
the sun
the snow
the ponies that run wild...

The memory and life
of this
my unborn child.

I later named him Alex...

This poem is about an abortion I received at 19 years old around the fall of 1978 when I was W.O.W. Ambassador with The Way International...
As one can see by the date, this was written almost 28 years later, a time when I deeply grieved the loss...
I had had a reunion with the father; shortly thereafter I grieved deeply...

I decided to honor the life that was once in my womb with a private ceremony. 
I bought some tokens at a local Good Will: a small blue tin with a heart on the middle of the lid, blue booties, and blue mittens. 
My husband (who is not the father) and I held a private ceremony in one of my sacred wilderness spots -- near Mt. Rogers, VA, where feral ponies run free. 
We hiked in from Massie Gap, carrying a foldable shovel. Shortly before one gets to Thomas Knob Shelter, we buried the tokens and sang Amazing Grace, one the father's (and our) favorite songs. As we hiked out, we took a break at a bench. We were graced with the presence of the ponies and a tiny newborn foal who approached us and said, "Hello..." 
It was July 4, 2006...
I did not have a smart phone at the time and have no images from that day; the picture below is from 2017. The foal in the pic is older than the tiny one we witnessed on that sacred July 4th.

Mare & Foal, 2017

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

God's Healing Cover (2001)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...
So, reader beware...

God's Healing Cover

My life was stormy,
yet I knew God's will was healing, wholeness, and vitality.
At times this was evident to my soul,
yet at times this vision was blurry.
In spite of my doubt God's hands upheld me;
His Word was my soothing guide.
With open face I would pour forth my soul;
any darkness I tried not to hide.

I would think of the man whom for forty years
believed until his wholeness was filled.
Or the woman who had the issue of blood
who didn't give up and her body was healed.
I would bring to mind the price Christ paid
to drive away my emotions of doubt.

I would go to the man on earth
whom I love above any other.
He would hold me, caress me, tenderly soothe
remind me of God's healing cover.

At times I would think,
"Well if I should die, I will still proclaim
God's will is wholeness
I will hold my mind
Attribute no folly to His name."

I'm thankful for the healing I have received
I know I have a ways to go.
I trust I'll continue to believe
Knowing that is a key to receive
And reach out to others to inspire the same.

march, 2001

Another poem from a time when I was a true Way believer...
This is about my healing from asthma and other autoimmune disorders which I had suffered for almost two decades, at the time...
My getting well was not a miracle in the literal sense of the word...
My healing came via science...
And, to me, science and life are full of "ordinary miracles"...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Dwelling Place (1987)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...
So, reader beware...

 Our Dwelling Place

Simply think of all God's goodness
All He has bestowed on you and me
To be alive in this day and time
To be a vital part of His great family.

A family so diversified
Yet in Him united as one
We cannot lose as we stand fast
In the love of Christ His son.

As I look at you, as I look at me,
I need only look upon that which God sees.
Sure, I may miss the mark and so may you
But we have a choice of where to dwell.

We can dwell on the times the mark has been missed
We can dwell with our thoughts only inward
Or we can dwell on our seated position in Christ
With our thoughts focused on God's Word.

God has fully equipped us
To be to the praise of His glory
He has bestowed us with eternal life
With a home no earthly carpenter can build.

As we think of all God's goodness
There is no room to dwell
On the times the mark has been missed
Or the times we thought we failed.

july, 1987
Another poem from a time when I was a true Way believer...
Followers had left in mass in latter 1986 (I think it was). There was division among the ranks.
I wrote this poem while at a Way Family Camp in Gunnison, CO. 
It was read from the pulpit by Vince Finnegan, I think. Hubby and I are pretty sure it was Vince. If not, it was somebody else. :D 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Turn on the Light (199?)

I've recently run across some old poems... 
I plan to add them to this poetry blog...
So, reader beware...

Turn on the Light 

At times in life, we may go astray
We may forget God's works, try another way
That perhaps looks good; yet we know it's not best.
Why waste God's time on anything less?

Jehosophat learned as he stood with His God.
Yes, he veered the wrong way, but have not we all?
Yet he heeded God's heart and came back the right.
We all have the same choice; choose we the dark or the light?

In the dark we can't see clearly, yet we can still see
But the path is obscured by the absence of light.
Without light on the path, we may stumble or bruise
Yet there's a light within reach; which way will we choose?

Let us gird up our loins, cinch in our belts,
Take a deep breath of God's Word, stand for the truth.
Let us choose the Word's way, shine God's light on our path.

Let us run with the household choosing the best.
Let us make our allegiance to God's Word, nothing less.
Then we will see clearly, and we will choose right.
Let us not choose the darkness; let us turn on the light.


Written when I was a true Way believer...
This was written in response to one of the times when The Way was losing followers in mass...

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Shorts: May 2023, Two (5/15 - 5/20)

   To read an introduction and access the Shorts index, click here: Shorts: Introduction

Dedicated to all who suffer in silence...
Which isn't silent at all...
The torment is a far scream from quiet...
You are heard...
      You are not alone...
     We are not alone...
Monday, 5/15/23

Chipmunk stands on deck rail
Surveying back yard
"I am Chippy!!"
"This is my kingdom!"
I wonder,
How far can chipmunk eyes see?

I feel sad
So, feel it
You miss living...

The mountain trips and biking
Occasional visits with friends
Going out to eat or to a movie
Maybe you can watch Guardians this week

I wish people I know
understood the misery
I live with

But I can still drive
I am still mobile
Occasionally I can even cook

I see Michele tomorrow
I pray, 
God, direct us both as to 
the next step

I am comparing 
my current can'ts
to my once coulds
Other people's ables
to my disables

I just don't know
why I am still here

Am I to learn
that my worth, my value
is not dependent on
what I can give?

What determines
the value, the worth
of one person's life?

Wednesday, 5/17/23

Rough day
Another one
Bites the dust

But I had a good day
Imagine two good days in a row
Or even three!!

God, I prayed
I asked for guidance
for yesterday

I thought we were on 
the right track
I was hopeful

Then last night
I didn't sleep
during second-shift

Today was again met
with dizziness and nausea
On top of weakness, pain, fatigue

I feel like I'm being poisoned
Am I?
With what?

Thursday, 5/18/23

Carol, you are divinely cared for
Recall the many times
an answer appeared from darkness

Sometimes you were seeking
Sometimes not
But even with the nots
You recognized there was Something

Like Tuesday
The three encounters
with three young men
around the age of Son
each one

The first walked with you
down the stone stairs
Part of Jomeokee Trial

He slowed his young, 
fit pace to walk 
with you, Carol

Y'all spoke about his work
about the trails
about the mountains

The second, from Florida,
spotted you at the rocks
The one place you were
a little concerned about

Like trail magic, he was there
to spot you
We talked about his work
about community
about trails and mountains

And the third, from Belgium
He inquired about your injury
When you answered it was a medical injury
His eyes looked keenly interested
Ends up, he's a pharmaceutical packaging rep

We had a pleasant conversation
Work, community, mountains
He had three days to wander the area

He inquired about other places to hike
I gladly shared
while he took notes

In these three encounters
none of us exchanged names
Yet, as strangers, we connected
with our hearts

Trail people are the best folks in the world
I was refreshed
And I felt hope for the next generation

Friday, 5/19/23

The masked bandit
Four legs
Inspecting the deck
Back and forth

I slept last night
Not without help
From my little pill friends

But I slept
And it felt good
May I be so bold to ask
For two nights in a row?

Saturday, 5/20/23

Lightning bugs
Flashing in trees
What was it like to see my first
Lightning bugs?

Little boy today
on the trail
thrilled and delighted
with a slug, ladybug, and moth

How do you feel Carol?
Grateful, but at the same time
a little sad

How does your body feel?
Oh that...
It hurts, especially
my hands

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sacred Wind...

Words of scorn
Filled with hate
I wish I could get them
Out of my head

Eventually I will,,,

Even after my sincere apologies
For stepping over a boundary
I did not know existed

The hypocrisy is thick
One face -- compassion, empathy, acceptance
The other -- fault-finding, blame, scorn 
Do others know of this other side?

I think that is what bothers me most
Do I too play the hypocrite?
I'm sure I do at times 

I too am human...

But this other side is not my problem
None of this is
Spirit, what do I do
To rid these toxic fumes?

For that is all they are
To be blown away by Wind
Purified by Sunlight

Yes, let in the Light...

Wind upon Pilot Mountain

Thursday, March 28, 2024


The barbs cut deep
I didn't see the fence at all
I was stunned, shocked 

How do I navigate this?
What am I to learn?
How can I stop the drip, drip, drip
Of blood, life force, flow?

I've been here before
Daggered by words of accusation
Disdain, belittlement
A lashing, though this was a small one

But it reached my very bones

I've been here before
Venomous scorn
Harshness of judgement
To put me in my place

I do not like this place
This feeling small
Though the past runs deep
Yet, my nature is peacekeeping

I am not fond of fighting words
I am not fond of name-calling
I am not fond of judging others 
Though I too fall prey to such 

May I learn from this
To be truer to myself
To not be so quick 
To take full blame

And remember Hawk

She appeared promptly
After I exited The Path
Flying right in front of me
At eye-level, only 6 feet away

Again, I was stunned
But for a different reason
Beauty ~ Grace ~ Timing
This Hawk sighting

What does this mean?

And then again, a few days later
As I shared with Friend
While nursing the barbed wound
And its continual drip

I looked out the kitchen window 
And there, regal and confident
Hawk, perched upon the blackberry post
Right as I was relaying the incident

Thank you, Hawk
Thank you, Friend
Thank you, Spirit
For Life's lessons

May I continue to learn....


The Path
May 10, 2023

If a hawk flies in front of you, ... [it] is a sign of peacekeeping, middle ground, and unity....

A hawk near the home relates to energy in the root chakra that needs to be balanced and brought into moderation. ...A hawk is meant as encouragement, to show you that the best place to cultivate your best self is in the safety of your own home. 


Monday, January 15, 2024


 Write what is real and true and tied to our experience... (Marta Szabo)


I think of the Velveteen Rabbit. 
He so wanted to be real. 
And he was real to the little boy that would carry Rabbit almost everywhere Boy explored. 
Boy slept with Rabbit.
I feel sure Boy held Rabbit closely to his heart while in his night dreams. 
Rabbit sat with Boy after Boy fell ill with scarlet fever. 
Doctor said all Boy's toys needed to be burned for sanitation reasons. 
Rabbit was stuffed in a bag and put in the garden awaiting cremation. 
His heart was broken, and he shed Velveteen tears. 
But then a magic fairy appeared to Rabbit. 
Fairy transports Rabbit deep into a forest, places him with other bunnies that can hop and breathe and wiggle their ears. 
Fairy gives Rabbit a magic kiss and Rabbit's fur turns from tattered velveteen to soft, warm, rabbit fur like bunnies of the forest are clothed in. 

I have felt like the Velveteen Rabbit after he was put in the garbage bag. 
No longer needed. 
Tossed aside and eventually forgotten about. 
Broken. Tattered. Lonely. 
Without purpose, other than to make it through another day. 

Did a fairy come along and pull me up? 
If so, I could not see the fairy with my head eyes. 
But in my imagination, my Insiders were born. 
Though they had probably always been with me; I was just too preoccupied with pleasing people and obeying the Word to allow my imagination to wander that far for fear of devil spirit possession.

How silly for a woman in her early 60s to have relationships with imaginary beings that live inside her. 

There is Pog who first appeared as the steward of the pond of grief; that's how he got his name, Pog. Then the pond of grief slowly transformed into the pond of gratitude. 

There is Itt, who looks like Itt from the Addams Family. 
He first appeared as anger. 
He would shiver and all his hair would shiver with him. 
When he felt rage all his hair would stand up on end, stretched as straight and far as the hairs could go. 

There is Owl who first appeared when Woman was having some gut trouble. 
With his beak, Owl carefully plucked dark pellets from woman's belly and her gut trouble eased. 

There is Troll who is gnarly with a heart of gold. 
Troll is strong and a shape shifter who helps give woman's limbs strength. 
He carries a golden sword, probably related to the Greek myth Chysaor whose mother was Medusa and father was Poseidon.

There is Martin, a golden star who used to tremble with fear. 
Pog has helped Martin to find peace. 
They both help Woman to sleep.

There are Campfire Stewards, Unicorn, Winged Fabio, Eagle and Raven. 
And two of the most beloveds of the woman, Whale and Elephant. 
And there is a giant tree where the Campfire Stewards have built treehouses.
From a different decade there is Nanna, the girl, Sally the horse, Tender the aged steward, and Giant John the gardener.

All the Insiders love to dance as Woman listens to dancing music. 

How silly for a woman in her mid 60s to count inanimates as friends, treat them kindly, talk with them and feel them talk back. 
Similar to the trees who hold her and cradle her and let her know how much they love her and how happy they are to see her. 
She has been known to break into shadow dancing, the sun behind her back as she dances with Tree. 

Truth be told, it's not silly at all...
It is survival...


The Village, 2022
It has since grown...